My dad hasn't spoken to me in a week,
Don't take it personally baby.
I just miss him. He’s here in New York but he doesn’t want to see me? I just..I don’t know what I did.
I think I need to clean my place [PRIVATE]
Oh good lord woman. It happened in HIGH SCHOOL! When we were on the outs! I didn't have sex with her. It wasn't a big deal. She was trying to make me feel better about our silence. She may have came onto me in the nude but that's it. I didn't touch her, kiss her or anything. I told her no thank you and left it at that. Besides we have our freaking reunion to go too! I don't want us going there and you attacking the girl over high school shit. You put me on a sex strike and we'll see who is going to have the difficulty struggling.
Okay you telling me you saw her nude is not helping at all! Seriously. Don’t remind me. I don’t want to go to that. The runner up for valedictorian jobless and no sense of direction with her life. Oh honey, I have more will power than you. You’ll cave within the first day.
My dad hasn't spoken to me in a week,
It's okay, Cedes. You don't need him. You have plenty of other people who love you just as much, if not more.
I love you too Q. But you know..I kind of wished he wouldn’t ignore me. But you’re right. I do have people who love me.
My dad hasn't spoken to me in a week,
Nothing new.
Well, hello everyone... ✫
For those of you who don't know, I'm Rachel Berry ✫. I'm sure the finer details of my life will become apparent as I begin to chronicle my journey onto the Broadway stage, but for now, I wish to greet those of you who have already made themselves apparent!
Hey Rach! I heard about that! Good for you, babe! You’re going to be an amazing Maria.
I think I need to clean my place [PRIVATE]
Ok i'm not telling you all that! I thought you just wanted to know what happened between us when we were somewhat separated? She wasn't even that skinny, Mini. Now you know I like my women thick so don't even try it! Random things like you reading, staring out a window…really casual stuff. Yeah ok tiny lady. You go on your hunger strike while I careless my body with a 6 foot sub.
I swear…totally side eyeing you right now. Well if she wasn’t skinny and thick like you like then WHY DON’T YOU GO FIND HER! Awww..those sounds cute. You watch..this hunger strike will lead to a no sex strike.

Yes, I'm alive.
Yeah, but it's okay. We understand that they didn't come here to spend all their time with us.
I am so relieved to hear that. We really did try and keep them from even thinking of Sam or yo two together. What?! What could've happened that he distance himself so much? I am so sorry, Mercedes.
I still feel bad, T. You and Quinn were amazing in doing that for me. I know you did. And I thank you so much for doing so. But its too late because my dad knows he’s with me. I think him knowing I’m still with Sam. It made him mad. It’s okay. I think a few days would help wear off his anger.
I think I need to clean my place [PRIVATE]
Ok…then what exactly do you want to know before you start looking her up? Songs and drawing dirty pics are on two different playing fields, but thank you for respecting that. Maybe one day I'll show them to you…I can show you the less graphic ones which are pretty much sketches of you doing random things. You wouldn't last a day as a vegetarian.
Everything. How she looks liked. Her age..most importantly her name. Skinny ass bitch hitting on my man. Nuh-uh. Oh you’d be surprised. No problem. Random things? Like what? CAN SO!

I think I need to clean my place
That is an awesome movie. Pssh the less you know the less anyone gets hurt.
Yes that nasty. Look it was a hard time when we broke up and I have a big memory when it came to us. If I showed you please don't tease me ok? I'm not proud admitting that I draw smutty porn of you and me for my own pleasure, as hot as those images are.This time i'll write about cow's blood.
It is. But you kind of get into it more than you should. ……….know. The less I know the more pissed and angry I’ll become and I’ll go look her up in the yellow pages. Baby, you don’t have to show me if you don’t want to. Well when we were apart, I wrote songs about you..about us. It’s okay. I was only joking. Those drawings are like your own private journal and I don’t want to force you. I’m going to turn vegetarian.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
How do you want your wedding to go?
I like outside I guess thats the only thing that I'd care about.
I think I need to clean my place
I was very dedicated to the cause. Don't judge me for I am only an earth loving man. Well it's a good thing he didn't touch you because his life would have been KO'd. The full name, really Mercedes?
Oh that's my fluff, thank god. I thought you got a hold of the nastier drawings. Stealing my property and claiming it as your own eh?Whatever now i'm going to write you stuff.
Mm-hm? Sure you were. We got the dagger looks to prove it. Someone has been playing video games or watching Scott Pilgrim again. Yeah. Until you tell me what stuff, Samuel Tobias Phoenix Evans. They’re nastier? Damn, babe. Well duh, that one is really cute. I couldn’t just keep it hidden. This should be interesting.
keep an eye on your man girl!
I think I need to clean my place
I WAS REALLY INTO RECYCLING THEN MINI! Jesus, how could you not care about the earth that has given you so much, yet asks so little! I was defending your honor woman. You can't be mad at me for being a man in love and wanting to break the many fingers of those who dare touch. It is a platonic code! NOTHING happened when we were on the outs I swear!
Even if she showed me stuff I wasn't into it!Because I said so!It's not of positons you pervert. Just sexy drawings of you that I may or may not palm myself over in the past when we weren't together. You can't see them because I don't want you to think it was creepy that I was drawing smut of you ok? There! I draw dirty pictures of us.You'll never be creeped out because my work is amazing. Not these fools i've seen.
So was I! But I didn’t yell at people to recycle. I care about our Earth..thank you very much. He was just talking to me! He never touched all of this because I would have easily broken his nose. It was sweet wanting you and very boyfriend like to defend my suppose honor but even then I could take care of myself. Stuff??What kind of stuff Samuel Tobias Phoenix Evans? FINE!!!! That’s not what I meant, haha. Well the one I found wasn’t sexual. Well maybe it was really cute. I was wearing your shirt that was too big on me while I was kissing you in bed, that was it. I have it framed. Your drawings are..just stick to drawing, babe. Wow..what a weird world.
What's your favorite day of the week?
Friday. Mostly because it's movie night and I sleep over with Sam.
I think I need to clean my place
I am not turning emo! See! You'll never understand my dark side…I'll name that person as soon as i bump into them and then you can have your proof Ms. Nosy! Yeah…it was around that time we got into a fight and didn't speak for a week. She was all comforting and correct me if i'm wrong I think that made you even madder? Us tormented souls have to help each other. Platonic code. YOU DIDN'T! WHICH ONE?! No! You can NEVER see that book! It's filled with lustful things that are meant for my eyes and body only! None for you! Go buy porn mags if you want something to look at Mini. Whatever I'll continue to write you creepy shit because I can and you'll love it! I've seen 30 year olds still rocking eyeliner.
It’s confusing as hell!! One minute you’re happy and see a bottle not being recycled and you turn into this sad panda, yelling at the world. THAT PERSON DOESN’T EXIST! May I remind you caused me to be pissed at you and break communication since you almost got suspended because a jock was speaking to me. Mm-hmm..right. Platonic code my ass. I DIDN’T MEAN TO. You need to be more sneaky how you hide these said drawings. Why?! That’s not fair. I don’t by porn mags because I got the real thing. If that book has lustful things you want to try then why not ask me? I’m willing to try…I mean, why keep it locked in your book and not make it reality? Well, I’ll continue to save them and try not to get creeped out. Yeah..they’re called rockstars.
What's your favorite color?
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